Case Study:
New Website

When working with Scura Law, the website was one issue we identified early on and addressed right away. It was a dated look that was not optimized for conversions and user experience. It was a poor website overall. It was disorganized, and did not display the level of professionalism that the attorneys at Scura aspired to show.

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The firm website was key to making online marketing work better for the firm. This was a huge opportunity to improve their conversion rate and quality leads from online channels by building a more intuitive user experience.


Research and

Development phase:
responsive design,
navigation, content

Testing and
Feedback Loops

We started out by listing everything that goes into improving conversion rate. Trust, accessibility, user experience & more. Then, we looked at how we can incorporate the firm’s redesigned brand identity to create a consistent look.

The firm has been publishing a large variety of content for years, and we wanted to make sure the amount of knowledge in the old website was transferred to the new one. We wanted to find a way to organize the knowledge better so that the potential clients could see this website as an unmatched resource for their legal needs.

Once we figured out all these details, we completed the brand new website project in just a few weeks, and the results speak for themselves.


300% increase in leads

670% increase in organic traffic

The improvements made to the site allowed us to convert more users coming to the site with consistent improvement even after the website was re-done.

The increase in organic traffic showcases how the new design turned the site into an unparalleled resource for potential clients seeking information that is easily accessible.


When you take a look at your own website, and yours is much worse than competition, you do not stand a chance to outperform them. Your website is your storefront, and focusing enough of your attention to this area is key. If you’d like to work with experts who understand what makes a high-converting website, please contact us today.

Locate Legal’s marketing skills and strategy in attracting new business in a competitive business environment, i.e. Workers Compensation and PI is far superior when compared to other businesses providing similar services. Specifically, my WC and PI weekly potentials have doubled since working with them.

Tim Bartzos, Esq.
Workers’ Compensation Attorney

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